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ABSI - Jesuits in Britain Archives
CM - Jesuit Communities (Cataloguing in progress)
CSC - Craighead Spirituality Centre
CU - Provincial Curia (Cataloguing in progress)
DC - Deposited Collections
GUY - Guyana
JAM - Jamaica (Cataloguing in progress)
LC - Educational Institutions (Cataloguing in progress)
LH - Loyola Hall
MSB - Bound Volumes (Cataloguing in progress)
NSJ - Non Jesuits (Cataloguing in progress)
PC - Parishes (Cataloguing in progress)
PU - Publications
SA - South Africa
SJ - Members of the Society (Cataloguing in progress)
WS - Other Works
2 - Catholic Social Guild
1 - Minutes of Executive Meeting
2 - Conference
3 - Annual Meeting
4 - Correspondence
5 - Publications
1 - Christian Democrat
2 - Quarterly Bulletin
3 - The Catholic Social Year Book
3 - Campion House, Osterley
4 - Jesuit Volunteer Community: Britain (JVC)
6 - Apostleship of Prayer
7 - Mount Street Jesuit Centre
8 - Jesuit Fund for Social Justice
Hours of Marie de Rieux, The
Useful Links
British Jesuit Archive
The Archdiocese of Birmingham
Ushaw College Library
Scottish Catholic Archives
Cathoic Archives Society
The National Archives
The National Records of Scotland
University of Aberdeen
Showcase items
A list of our latest and most exciting new items.
Hours of Marie de Rieux, The
Talbot Hours, The
Album amicorum of George Strachan
Rental Book
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