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SCA - Scottish Catholic Archives
B - Bishops
CB - Blairs College
DA - Diocese of Argyll and the Isles
DAB - Diocese of Aberdeen
DD - Diocese of Dunkeld
DE - Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh
1 - The Holy See: Papal documents
3 - The Holy See: Vatican Secretariats
6 - The Holy See: Sacred Congregations
9 - The Holy See: Miscellaneous
10 - The Holy See: College of Cardinals
11 - The Holy See: Synod of Bishops
22 - Bishops' Conference of Scotland: Correspondence
24 - Correspondence with Bishops: Diocese of Aberdeen
27 - Correspondence with Bishops: Diocese of Galloway
28 - Correspondence with Bishops: Archdiocese of Glasgow
29 - Correspondence with Bishops: Diocese of Motherwell
31 - Pastoral letters and related documents
32 - Ad clerums and related documents
34 - Administration: Chapter of Canons
35 - Administration: Deaneries
36 - Administration: Council of Priests
37 - Administration: Archdiocesan bodies
38 - Administration: Parish Councils
39 - Finance: Finance Committee
40 - Finance: General
41 - Finance: Mission Funds
42 - Finance: Clergy Funds
47 - Legal: 19th century legal documents
48 - Legal: Archdiocesan lawyers
49 - Legal: General lawyers
50 - Legal: Trusts and Bequests
51 - Legal: Property
57 - Reports and Statistics: Parish schedules
58 - Parishes: Edinburgh
59 - Parishes: Outwith Edinburgh
60 - Parishes: Boundaries
62 - Parishes: Brochures
64 - Chaplaincies: Prison
65 - Chaplaincies: Hospital
66 - Chaplaincies: Forces
67 - Chaplaincies: Academic
69 - Property: Specific buildings
70 - Property: General
75 - Priests: Deaths and panegyrics
77 - Priests: Episcopal ordinations
80 - Priests: Societies
84 - Seminaries: Blairs, St Mary's College
88 - Seminaries: Scots College, Rome
96 - National Government: Parliamentary
98 - Education: Scottish Education Department
99 - Education: Catholic Education Committee/Council/Commission
100 - Education: General
101 - Local Authorities: General
103 - Education: Local Authority (Edinburgh)
104 - Education: Local Authorities (outwith Edinburgh)
107 - Education: School brochures
110 - Education: Teacher training
111 - Education: Craiglockhart College of Education
113 - Education: Notre Dame College of Education
115 - Education: Teacher Training and Teachers
116 - Education: Teachers' organisations
117 - Education: Catechetics
118 - Education: Religious Instruction
119 - Education: Religious Education Centre
122 - Social Work: Catholic Enquiry Office and Social Service Centre
123 - Social Work: Adoption Societies
124 - Social Work: Child Care
125 - Social Work: Child Guidance Clinic
126 - Social Work: Nursery and Special Schools
128 - Social Work: Youth
129 - Social Work: Moral Issues
141 - Administration: Papal Visit of 1982
142 - Administration: Saints - Causes and Pilgrimages
143 - Administration: Heritage
144 - Marriage: General
145 - Marriage: Catholic Marriage Advisory Council (CMAC)
146 - Marriage: Tribunals
151 - Liturgy: Scottish Commissions
152 - Liturgy: non-Scottish Commissions
153 - Liturgy: General
154 - Liturgy: specific areas
155 - Ecumenism
157 - Media: Press and Catholic Press Office
158 - Media: Newspapers and cuttings
159 - Media: Broadcasting
160 - Media: Scripts and talks
161 - Sermons and addresses
162 - Archbishop Andrew J McDonald
164 - Religious Orders: Council of Major Religious Superiors of Scotland
167 - Religious Orders: Male
169 - Religious Orders: Convents outwith Diocese
170 - Religious Orders: Female
171 - Organisations: Catholic
172 - Organisations: Non-Catholic
173 - Laity
203 - Official finances
206 - Political: World
210 - Archdiocesan Assembly
211 - Ad Limina Visit
DG - Diocese of Galloway
DM - Diocese of Motherwell
ED - Eastern District Vicariate
GC - Gifted Compilations: Research work by Individuals
GD - Gifts and Deposits
MB - Marist Brothers
MC - St Margaret's Convent
MF - Microfilms
MM - Miscellaneous Manuscripts
MP - Missions and Parishes
PG - Photographic Collection
SmP - Small Printed
Talbot Hours, The
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