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SCA - Scottish Catholic Archives
B - Bishops
CB - Blairs College
DA - Diocese of Argyll and the Isles
DAB - Diocese of Aberdeen
DD - Diocese of Dunkeld
DE - Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh
DG - Diocese of Galloway
DM - Diocese of Motherwell
ED - Eastern District Vicariate
GC - Gifted Compilations: Research work by Individuals
GD - Gifts and Deposits
1 - Kirkcaldy: Parish Notebooks etc
2 - George Family Papers
3 - St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
4 - Octavius Claeys: Lecture Notes etc
5 - Individual Places (not IM material)
6 - Irish Potato Pickers - Father Walsh
7 - Rev George Angus, St Andrews: Postcards and Sermon
8 - Rev Daniel Boyle: Notes and Papers
9 - Hamilton Dalrymple: expenses of a feu charter
10 - St Patrick's, Edinburgh: Parish and School
11 - CTSS: St Andrew's and Edinburgh Branch Deposit
12 - Scottish Catholic Lay Apostolic Council
13 - Scottish Catholic Historical Association
14 - Blairs Society
15 - [not allocated]
16 - Buckie RC School
17 - CTSS: Pamphlets
18 - Rev William McClelland: Diary, Rome
19 - Papal Visit
20 - Catholic School Guild Minute Book
21 - Mgr Hugh Cameron: Copies of documents relating to the Highlands
22 - Photographs of Cardinal Gray
23 - Procurator Accounts, Mission Aberdeen
24 - Third Order of St Francis
25 - Rev Walter Glancy's Education Committee Papers
26 - 'Way Ahead' letters to Editor, ev A Monaghan
27 - St Peter's Parish Edinburgh
28 - Bishop Francis Thomson's Papers
29 - Craiglockhart College: Mgr P Grady's Papers
30 - 'An Colaisde Naomh Moire air Abaireadhain'
31 - Archbishop Eyre Trust
32 - Milne Papers: John and William Forbes (Capuchins 1500's)
33 - Rev James K Robertson (Preshome and Tynet)
34 - CTSS: Glasgow Brach deposit
35 - PLUS - Self help for bereaved; M Jollery
36 - Mgr Philip Flanagan: diaries etc
37 - The Grail (Scotland)
38 - Watercolour (unfinished)
39 - St Columba's, Edinburgh
40 - St Columba's, Edinburgh Centenary Brochure
41 - Canon Law Commission - Reverend John Barry
42 - Rosewell Parish
43 - Rev Patrick Quille Papers (mainly education)
44 - St Andrews, Edinburgh (Ravelston)
45 - 'Titanic' ticket to Rev J Stuart Holden for 10 April 1912 [replica]
46 - [not allocated]
47 - Correspondence between Broxburn Parish and Dr J Shaw
48 - Mgr John Barry Papers
49 - Canon Eugene Mathews: typescript of published autobiography
50 - Chapeltown Library: catalogues and articles
51 - Priests' Eucharist League: members 1956
52 - Tranent Parish History Research
53 - Mgr Hugh McEwan Papers: Bishop Graham
54 - Michael Turnbull
55 - Tombae Deposit (Aquhorties student notes)
56 - Articles on Duns Scotus
57 - St Martins, Tranent
58 - Michael Fallon: Scottish Catholic Journalist
59 - Star of the Sea, Leith (Information regarding the church)
60 - George Douglas Cause
61 - Personal Papers of Cardinal Gordon Gray
62 - Kinning Park, Glasgow: Catholic Monthly
63 - AUSP Minute Book, Edinburgh Branch
64 - Friendly Society - Secretary's Papers (Lower and North District, Aberdeen)
65 - Buckie Catholic Association: Minute Book
66 - Official Handbook of Scotus College
67 - CYMS: Conference Reports
68 - Photographs: Hierarchy - found in Germany during the war
69 - Rev Patrick Lynch, St Margaret's, Dunfermline
70 - St Margaret's, Dunfermline
71 - Mgr John McIntyre: items from Scots College, Rome
72 - Rev Thomas Daly SDB: autobiography, letters and obituary
73 - Birthday Book: 'To Alex C Paterson' [Rector of Holy Cross]
74 - Galashiels Parish
75 - Gaelic Mss
76 - Schooldays in Glasgow 100 years ago (Education pack)
77 - Rev John Thomson: his copy of Ordo of 1843
78 - Rev Roderick McDonald
79 - Harkins Bookshop
80 - Papal Visit: Transport
81 - Innocents
82 - Canon Edward Hyland, Diocesan Treasurer, St Patrick's Parish: personal papers
83 - Holy Cross Academy (St Augustines)
84 - Council of Priests: St Andrews and Edinburgh
85 - St Catherine's, Gracemount: Parish Archives
86 - SCIAF
87 - St Margaret's, Ayr: Galloway Apostolic Union
88 - Rev Martin McCluskey: student notebooks
89 - [not allocated]
90 - Raymond McCluskey: Kilmarnock Parish History (draft)
91 - Canon Archibald McMaster: Photograph album of Issy etc
92 - Proposed Church at Bowhill: Rev James Harold
93 - John Crichton, seminarian: gravestone inscription
94 - Preshome Chapel Rules
95 - St John's Deanery: Minutes of Conferences
96 - Sister Howat's Papers
97 - Monteith of Cranley: Knights of Malta parchments
98 - Bishop MacFarlane: family letters etc to his brother Peter
99 - Paisley Abbey: Dunfermline Duries
100 - Aberdeen Baptismal Register (photocopy)
101 - Bishop Thomson: Holy pictures for Russia
102 - Will of Neil MacNeil
103 - Abertarff 1881 and 1891 Census (photocopies)
104 - Gender Audit
105 - James Darragh papers
106 - Documents relating to Fr Allan MacDonald [Mother F A Forbes papers]
107 - Kilbirnie Parish
108 - St James Priory, Buckie
109 - Rev Hugh Gordon: personal papers
110 - Rev Norman Cooper: academic post graduate studies
111 - [not allocated]
112 - Martin House
113 - Canon Schmid on Henry d'Eichenfells of part by J A Kyle
114 - Covenant Centre: St Andrews and Edinburgh
115 - Mount Vernon Cemetery
116 - Canon Lawrence Glancey: personal papers
117 - Register of Baptisms and Marriages, Kelso
140 - Drawings by Peter Anson
141 - Chapel drawings by F Piccioni
175 - Papers of J J Robertson
MB - Marist Brothers
MC - St Margaret's Convent
MF - Microfilms
MM - Miscellaneous Manuscripts
MP - Missions and Parishes
PG - Photographic Collection
SmP - Small Printed
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