
RepositoryJesuits in Britain Archives
Ref NoABSI/SJ/128
TitleBr Hugh McElrone SJ (1905-1980)
LevelSub fonds
DescriptionThis collection contains McElrone's birth certificate, identity card, and a letter from Pedro Arrupe SJ, Superior General of the Society.
Admin_HistoryBr Hugh McErlone was born in Edinburgh on 13 June 1905. When he was two years old his family moved to Ulster. He went to the "Ursulines de Jesus" convent school, near Coleraine, until he was twelve, and then to the Christian Brothers at Omagh for a time. He was then sent to a school in the north of France, and about 1920, to Fort Augustus. At this time he was hoping to go in for the priesthood. His elder brother Frank must have been the inspiration for Hugh's own vocation to the life and work for the Society, to which he entered in 1922. He took his vows in 1926. He was sent shortly afterwards to the recently founded Heythrop and then to St Beuno's for another year. By then he was an experienced refectorian and was called to Farm Sreet in that capacity for the period 1929 to 1940, taking his last Vows there in 1935. In 1940 he joined the staff at Stonyhurst for an even longer stint of fourteen years, working in the refectory and later becoming beadle of the Brothers in the community. He spent some years in a series of assignments in Preston, in Sunderland and at the Provincial's residence, Garnet House, Wimbledon. In 1962 he was posted to the Sacred Heart, Blackpool, for his last eighteen years. He died 24 May 1980.

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