
RepositoryScottish Catholic Archives
Ref NoSCA/DA/23/14
TitleBarra and Uist
DateJan 1882
DescriptionLetters regarding the continuing 'Battle of the schools': Barra priest explaining the situation and referring to letters in GB 0240 DA/23/13; the priest's dissent from the otherwise unanimous decision of the Board; Lady Cathcart's alleged agreement with the Board; the factor's interventions; allocation of Poor House beds; Lady Cathcart's opposition to Poor House scheme for Loch maddy; Lady Cathcart's representative on the Board may support application of certificated Catholic teacher for North Bay school; question of separate provision for teaching of religious knowledge; problem of finding a Gaelic-speaking teacher; priest's strongly worded rejection of suggestion that religion - and hence need for RC teachers - be dealt with outwith the schools; the factor's ordering School Boards to do as he says; Barra Catholics do not want a Gaelic-speaking teacher; position of Benbecula schools; comparison of voting powers of Catholics and Protestants of Bornish vis a vis elections to school boards; the Bishop's intervention to try to smooth ruffled feathers
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