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Collapse ABSI - Jesuits in Britain ArchivesABSI - Jesuits in Britain Archives
Expand CM - Jesuit Communities (Cataloguing in progress)CM - Jesuit Communities (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand CSC - Craighead Spirituality CentreCSC - Craighead Spirituality Centre
Expand CU - Provincial Curia (Cataloguing in progress)CU - Provincial Curia (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand DC - Deposited CollectionsDC - Deposited Collections
Expand GUY - GuyanaGUY - Guyana
JAM - Jamaica (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand LC - Educational Institutions (Cataloguing in progress)LC - Educational Institutions (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand LH - Loyola Hall LH - Loyola Hall
Expand MSB - Bound Volumes (Cataloguing in progress)MSB - Bound Volumes (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand NSJ - Non Jesuits (Cataloguing in progress)NSJ - Non Jesuits (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand PC - Parishes (Cataloguing in progress)PC - Parishes (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand PU - PublicationsPU - Publications
Expand SA - South AfricaSA - South Africa
Collapse SJ - Members of the Society (Cataloguing in progress)SJ - Members of the Society (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand 1 - Fr Cuthbert Cary-Elwes SJ (1867-1945)1 - Fr Cuthbert Cary-Elwes SJ (1867-1945)
Expand 2 - Fr Henry Davis SJ (1886-1952) 2 - Fr Henry Davis SJ (1886-1952)
Expand 3 - Fr John Luck SJ (1867-1950)3 - Fr John Luck SJ (1867-1950)
Expand 4 - Fr Francis Donohoe SJ (1876-1938)4 - Fr Francis Donohoe SJ (1876-1938)
Expand 5 - Fr Joseph Paul SJ (1881-1975)5 - Fr Joseph Paul SJ (1881-1975)
Expand 6 - Fr William Maher SJ (1823-1877)6 - Fr William Maher SJ (1823-1877)
Expand 7 - Fr Frederick Hathaway SJ (1814-1891)7 - Fr Frederick Hathaway SJ (1814-1891)
Expand 10 - St John Ogilvie SJ (1579-1615)10 - St John Ogilvie SJ (1579-1615)
Expand 13 - Archbishop Thomas d'Esterre Roberts SJ (1893-1976)13 - Archbishop Thomas d'Esterre Roberts SJ (1893-1976)
Expand 14 - Fr Ralph Baines SJ (1885-1959)14 - Fr Ralph Baines SJ (1885-1959)
Expand 17 - Fr James Splaine SJ (1834-1901)17 - Fr James Splaine SJ (1834-1901)
Expand 18 - Fr Robert Henry Joseph Steuart SJ (1874-1948)18 - Fr Robert Henry Joseph Steuart SJ (1874-1948)
Collapse 21 - Fr Martin Cyril D'Arcy SJ (1888-1976)21 - Fr Martin Cyril D'Arcy SJ (1888-1976)
1 - Autobiography
2 - Biographical material
3 - D'Arcy Family
4 - Diaries
5 - Degrees and Certificates
Collapse 6 - Correspondence6 - Correspondence
1 - Letters with Father General J B Janssens SJ
2 - Letters at the end of the Provincialate
3 - Panegyric for Ronald Knox Correspondence
4 - Correspondence with London during D'Arcy's trips to the United States of America
5 - Correspondence for a special Dinner
6 - Correspondence for Jubilee Dinner
7 - Letters for 50th Anniversary of Priesthood
8 - Letters to Editors
9 - Letters from religious sisters
10 - Letters and cards from multiple individuals
11 - Unidentified correspondence
12 - Correspondence fragments
Collapse 13 - Letters with individuals13 - Letters with individuals
1 - Bill & Patsy Abell
2 - Lady Aberconway [Christabel Mary Melville MacNaghten (1890-1974)]
3 - Dolores G [Abreu]
4 - A [Agostini] SJ
5 - Lord Alba [Don Jacobo Fitz-James Stuart y Falcó, 17th Duke of Alba de Tormes (1878-1953)]
6 - Cayetana Alba [Doña María del Rosario Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart y de Silva, 18th Duchess of Alba de Tormes, 'Cayetana Montoro' (1926-2014)]
7 - Canon Gordon Albion
8 - Robert F Allen J[unio]r
9 - Steve Allen to Richard M Numier regarding D'Arcy
10 - Bill & Pat [William A and Patricia] Anderson
11 - Robin Anderson
12 - Timothy Andreae
13 - Anglo Hellenic Luncheon
14 - Walter Hubert Annenberg
15 - Ruth Nanda Anshen
16 - A Arditti
17 - Aristotelian Society
18 - Arthur Arundell
19 - Asquith Family
20 - John E Astor, The Times
21 - Wystan [Hugh] Auden
22 - Francis Aylward
23 - A Bahr
24 - Cecil Ryan Baines
25 - [Arthur Windham Baldwin, 3rd Earl] Baldwin of Bewdley
26 - Delma Banner
27 - Maurice Baring
28 - Alice Barnard
29 - Jim [James Strachey] Barnes
30 - P J Barnwell
31 - Alfred H Barr
32 - Edward M Barrett
33 - Nora Bartels
34 - Francis Bartlett
35 - Canon John M T Barton
37 - BBC
38 - Anne Beher
39 - George [Bell; Bishop of Chichester]
40 - Hilaire Belloc
41 - L[eo] Belton SJ
42 - Sally Bergen
43 - Ida Fox Berkowitz
44 - John Betjeman
45 - Ellin Berlin
46 - M[aria] Bevan
47 - Bob Beveridge
48 - Tom Bilicke
50 - Jeanne Bisgood
51 - Michael Blake
52 - Peter [Blake] SJ
53 - Jaspar Blystone
54 - Fr Kevin Booth
55 - A P Boots
56 - Robert Bosc SJ
57 - Phil Borland
58 - [Jessica Borthwick (1888 - 1946)]
59 - Margaret Bottrall
60 - Rev Alban Boultwood OSB
61 - Julia Bowe
62 - Sandy Bowe
63 - Mary Bowling
64 - Brendan Bracken
65 - Sir Frank Brangwyn
66 - Fionan Brannigan SJ
67 - Andrew Brayley
68 - Allen D Breck
69 - J F Brennan SJ
70 - John B Breslin SJ
71 - Rev Michael Brierley
72 - British Association Sovereign Military Order of Malta
73 - Richard Broadbert NSJ
74 - J[ames] Brod[rick] SJ
75 - Monica Bromell
76 - Valentine Brooke
77 - Geoffrey Houghton Brown
78 - Larry Oliver Brown
79 - W E Brown
80 - R K Browne
81 - Christopher Buckner
82 - A[lan] L[ouis Charles] Bullock
83 - H Bulmer
84 - Edward B Bunn SJ
85 - Anthony Burgess
86 - W [F de Burgh]
87 - E [Burney]
88 - James Burnham
90 - Ted Caldin
91 - Judge and Mrs William J Campbell
92 - Filomena A Canale
93 - A Robert Caponigri and family: Winifred, Victoria and Robin
95 - Harry J Carman
96 - Abraham Isaac Carmel
97 - Edward Carpenter, Canon of Westminster
98 - Paul Carroll
99 - [Fr] Douglas Carter
100 - Bishop G Emmett Carter
101 - Jaime Castiello SJ
102 - Letter from Patrick Skene Catling addressed to Frank
103 - Helen [Catting]
104 - Agnes G[arvan] Cavanagh
105 - Jack A [Chambers]
106 - Canon Clifford T Chapman
107 - Chapman & Hall Ltd
108 - Amy Chilston
110 - Michel Ciry
111 - Binnie Clancy
112 - Kenneth Clark
113 - Marjorie Clifford
114 - Farley Clinton
115 - Neville Coghill
116 - Charles Coke
117 - Pam [Manby] Colegrave
118 - J G Coles
119 - Copy of letter from Br Alfonso Comeau CSC
120 - William Congdon
121 - Philip Conneally SJ
122 - Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy
123 - John B Cope
124 - Richard F Copeland SJ
126 - W Corbishley
127 - Neil Corcoran
128 - To Father Provincial [Fr Terence Corrigan SJ]
129 - Andrew Corry
130 - George Gordon Coulton
131 - Kenneth Hugh de Courcy
132 - Louise Andrée Coury
133 - Courtauld Institue of Art
134 - Marcelle Cuillery de Courtright's family
136 - Niram A Cromwell
137 - Vincent Cronin
138 - Charles B Crowley OP
139 - John Coventry SJ
140 - Evelyn Cox & F Whitby Cox
141 - Michael Cuddihy
142 - John Cullen
143 - Mary D'Arcy Raine Cummings
144 - Walter J Cummings
145 - Laurence Cunnigham
146 - Frederick Petre Crowder
147 - Mary Crozier
148 - Fr E[dmund] C[onyers] D'Arcy [SJ]
149 - Herbert Michel D'Arcy
150 - J D'Arcy
151 - Martin Valentine D'Arcy
152 - Norman C F Daniels
153 - Sir Robin Darwin
155 - Christopher Henry Dawson
156 - David Dean
157 - J M Dent & Sons Ltd
158 - Thomas Derrick
159 - Vincent [Desborough]
160 - Madeleine [Lady Devlin]
161 - Grace W Dickinson
163 - [Bessin] Dillon
164 - [J Dixon]
166 - Joseph J Dodovan SJ
167 - Marna Spa[e]th Doherty
168 - Agnes McNeill Donohue
171 - Constance Dorman
172 - R[obert] Langton and Jean Douglas
174 - J H Doyle SJ
175 - Msgr Justin A Driscoll
176 - Stanley Dumbell
177 - Adelaide and Charles Dunn
178 - William J Dunne SJ
179 - Eleanor Dunning
180 - Henry Pitney Van Dusen (1897-1975)
181 - Bishop John of Hereford
182 - Peggy Edwards
183 - Bob Egan SJ
184 - T S Eliot
185 - Valerie Eliot
186 - Dr F B Elkisch
187 - Ellinghaus to Dr Adolf Rotter
188 - Jane Engelhard and associates
189 - E P English
190 - Edith Morton Eustis
191 - John J Evoy SJ
192 - Marianne Eyles and Frances Fowler
193 - Faber and Faber Limited publishers
194 - Oswald [Falk]
195 - Paul Falla
196 - Seymour M Farber
197 - John Festle
198 - Gabriel Fielding
199 - Naomi and Michael Findlay
200 - Peter Fison
202 - Thomas F Flannery
203 - Arthur, Joy and Dominique Fleischmann
204 - Eva Fleischner
205 - Rev Lionel B Fletcher
206 - F C Flint
207 - Gerard Cox Flynn
209 - Alice Ford
210 - Father George Barry Ford
211 - Joanna and Brinsley Ford
212 - Fordham University, New York, United States of America
213 - John Foster
214 - Michael [Beresford] Foster
215 - Dorothy Fothergill
216 - Hugh Fraser
217 - Gerry [Geraldine Frawley]
218 - Anne Fremantle
219 - Richard Fremantle
220 - James Frew
221 - Alice [Mary Eyre] Gainsborough
222 - [Robert] Gannon SJ
223 - Daphne [Garcey]
224 - W H Gardner
225 - Jane Garside
226 - Robert [Gasley]
227 - Helen Gaudin
228 - Rupert Gerard
229 - Prince Matila Costiesco Ghyka
230 - William Monk Gibbon (1896-1987)
231 - To and from Anthony Gibbs
232 - Eric Gill
233 - Glasgow Art Gallery & Museums
234 - Andrew Gordon [SJ]
235 - Dom Paul Grammont OSB, Abbaye Notre-Dame du Bec
236 - Edna [W] Grant
237 - Anthony Gray
238 - Jane Greenham
239 - Gene M Gressley
240 - Harman Grisewood
242 - Moira and Harold Gurrin
243 - Paul E Hadley
244 - Geoffrey Hale
245 - John [A] [Hale]
247 - Philippe Halsman
248 - Stuart Hampshire
249 - John J Hannon SJ
250 - Fr [James] Jim Hansen
251 - Br Harkess
252 - Sylvia H[arlech]
253 - Harper & Row, Publishers Incorporated
254 - Ralph and Rita [Harper]
255 - Letter to Major from J R [Harves] regarding D'Arcy's talk
256 - The Harville Press Ltd
257 - Carole Hayes
258 - James Healy
259 - Cardinal John Carmel Heenan
260 - Denis [Hehir]
262 - R[ayner] H[eppenstall]
263 - Mary Herbert
264 - Blaise Hettich OSB
265 - Denis Higgins
266 - Jean Higgins
267 - Cardinal Arthur Hinsley
268 - Decima Amicitia Robertson Hipwell
269 - Christopher Hobhouse
271 - Kathleen Hogan
272 - Quintin Hogg
273 - Louise [Hognet]
274 - Bob and Dolores Hope
275 - Paul Horgan
276 - Rev Bryan Houghton
277 - Doe Howard
278 - Billy and Eleanor [Howard]
279 - Mondi [Howard]
280 - Howard of Penrith
281 - Hubert Howard
282 - Jane Howland
284 - Jan Hoyle SJ
285 - Ann Huber
286 - Friedrich von Hügel
287 - H[erman] S Hughes SJ
288 - Jack [John] and Putzel [Gertrude] Hunt
289 - M E Hurley
290 - W[illiam] J Igoe
291 - Ingrams family
292 - Hammond Innes on behalf of Kersey Church Tower Appeal
293 - Henrik F Irgens
294 - Sir Arthur James Irvine
295 - Fayek M Ishak
296 - Barbara Jackson
297 - Eleanor M Jackson
298 - L Paul Jaquith
299 - John family
300 - Loretta M Johns
301 - Evie Johnson
302 - John Jolliffe
303 - Anne Jones
304 - David J[ones]
305 - J[ohn] Clement Jones
306 - Gwyn[n] Jones
307 - H Peter Jost
308 - J Josten
309 - Jean M Joyce
310 - John Joyce
311 - M Judge
312 - Prof Dr Andelko-Engelbert Juric SJ
313 - Gabriel G Kajeckas
314 - Janet Kay to Fr [Philip] Caraman [SJ]
315 - Andrew Kean
316 - Winifred Keating
317 - George Joseph Kelly
318 - Marg M C Kemball
319 - T W Kendrick
320 - Kennedy family
321 - A W M Kerr
322 - Russell Kirk
323 - Alan [Knight], Bishop of Guyana
324 - R[onald] A[rbuthnott] K[nox]
325 - Betty [Kolby]
326 - Berndt L Kolker
327 - [Henni and Hans Kraus]
328 - A Kuestner
329 - Mary [Lacson]
330 - Peter Laing
331 - Gilbert [Laithwaite]
332 - W[illiam] B Lambert
333 - The Latin Mass Society
334 - Emily Lattimore
335 - Fr Andrew Lawrence ST
336 - Dr Maurice Leahy, President of the Oriel Society
337 - Fr John P Leary SJ
338 - G M Lee to the editor of the Sunday Times
339 - Bernard Leeming SJ
340 - H Lenzen
341 - P[eter] Levi [SJ]
342 - Percy Wyndham Lewis
343 - Basil Rooke Ley
344 - Eddie Sean Linder
345 - Eileen Lindgren
346 - Aline Lion
347 - Dr and Mrs Denis Little
348 - Liturgical Arts Society, New York
349 - Douglas Lochrane
350 - London School of Economics Students' Union
351 - Mr and Mrs Richard E Lothrop
352 - Madge Loughlin
353 - Clare Boothe Luce
355 - A[rnold] Lunn
356 - Phyllis Holt-Needham Lunn
357 - Sir Edwin Landseer Lutyens
359 - Daniel Lyons SJ
360 - R E Lytton
361 - Ilah MacDermot
362 - Greville MacDonald
363 - Amyan Macfadyen
364 - Geddes MacGregor
365 - Hugh [MacKennon] SJ
366 - H S Mackintosh poem for D'Arcy's 80th Birthday
367 - Archibald MacLeish
368 - Ian Macmillan
369 - Louis MacNeice
370 - Jane [MacSwine]
373 - Priscilla O'Brien Mahoney
374 - Dr Gerard B Malone-Lee
375 - F Mangan SJ
376 - Timothy Manning
377 - James Mansel
378 - Maureen Mansfield
379 - Jacques Maritain
380 - Rose Marrian
381 - Don P Martin
382 - Rev Philip M Martin
383 - W A Martin
384 - C C Martindale SJ
385 - Marjorie Martinez
386 - Shigehanu Matsumoto
387 - To Howard B Matthews, Treasurer of Wesleyan University, Connecticut, United States of America
388 - Ian Matthews
389 - Tommy [Thomasine] Maury
390 - Jean Maxwell-Scott
391 - Patricia Maxwell-Scott
392 - Mr and Mrs Irénée du Pont May
393 - [Milton Mayeroff]
394 - Josephine [Toomey] McAniff
395 - John McBennett
396 - Edward McCarthy
397 - Eveline McCullagh
399 - Isabel [McDonnell]
401 - Madeleine McEvoy
402 - Pat McGlynn
404 - Francis A[loysius] McIntyre
405 - William McKechnie
406 - Fr M Hugh McKernan OCSO
407 - Joseph H [McMalron]
408 - Ernan McMullin
409 - Agnes McNamel
410 - Don and Kay McNeill
411 - Tim McShane
412 - Betty S Medina
413 - William M Meehan Jr
414 - Elsie Meyer
415 - Caroline Miles
416 - Perry Miller
417 - R H Miller
418 - Julian A Millest
420 - Beaufoy Milton
424 - Loretto Molzahn
425 - Claude [Joseph] G[oldsmid] Montefiore
426 - Hugh [Montgomery]
427 - Br Thomas More, Third Order of Dominic
428 - E A Morstrand
429 - From Desmond Morton to Mr Raworth
430 - Thomas Malcolm Muggeridge
431 - Coco, Tom, Tommy, William and Brewer Mullins
432 - Axel Martin Fredrik Munthe
433 - F J Murphy OSA
434 - John and Gay Murphy
435 - Madeleine Murray
436 - Rita and Matt Murray
437 - Peter Murray
438 - G R Namoos
439 - National Portrait Gallery
440 - Toiny [Antoinette] & Dermot Anthony Nee
441 - J L Nelson
442 - [Ray Nerobly]
443 - Peter Neumann
444 - Donald Nicholl
445 - John Beverley Nichols
446 - Vita Nicholson
447 - Elizabeth Nicholson
448 - Ursula Mary Niebuhr
449 - Niels C Nielsen
450 - Elinar Nightingale
451 - Arthur D Nock
452 - Bartholomeo Nogara
453 - Elizabeth Iddesleigh [Northcote]
454 - John Norton
455 - Rose Numier
456 - Toby, E D O'Brien
457 - Fr W O'Connell SMA
458 - T O'Driscoll
459 - Leonard O'Duffy
460 - Ned O'Gorman
461 - Colman O'Hare
462 - J[erome] O'Hea SJ
463 - Ruth O'Meara
464 - Alfred O'Rahilly
465 - Fr Pit O'Sullivan
466 - Padreric [O']Sullivan NSJ
467 - Richard O'Sullivan
468 - Dorothea [O'Sullivan]
469 - Photocopy of letter from Fr Tim O'Sullivan to Mary
470 - The Observer
471 - Fr John A Oetgen OSB, President of Belmont Abbey College, North Carolina
472 - Jimmy Oliver
473 - Harry Olivier SJ
474 - Iris Origo
475 - Lucas Ma[ria] de Oriol
476 - Maria Teresa de Alcala Galiano Y Osma
477 - Oxfam
478 - Frances Packe
479 - Lord Longford [Frank Pakenham]
480 - Elizabeth Longford
482 - Mary E D Patterson
483 - Roger J L Payne
484 - Paula Paynter
485 - Margarita de Pedroso
486 - Julia [Pemler]
487 - [Margaret] Jane [Pepperdene]
488 - Philosophical Quarterly
489 - Paul Phiri
490 - John Pick
491 - [Erm] de Pierrefeu
492 - Lee Pierson
493 - Bishop James A Pike
494 - John [Pitcher]
495 - Charles H Plant
496 - C[harles] P[later] SJ
497 - Margaret Ploss
498 - To and from Baron Plowden
499 - Helen H Plowden
500 - Jodie Plowden
501 - To Professor [Plumb]
502 - Michael Polanyi
503 - Daphne [Pollen]
504 - John M Preston
505 - H H Price
506 - H A Prichard
507 - [N S Proctor]
508 - David Pryce-Jones
509 - David [Queensberry]
510 - Alexa Queensberry
511 - John Quinn
512 - Robert Radix
513 - Kathleen Raine
514 - Cecil Rainer
515 - Noreen M Raleigh
516 - Thomas Raworth
518 - Margaret Read
519 - John P Regan
520 - J P Reid
521 - Lady Rennell
522 - Irma Richardson
523 - Robert Richman
524 - R Vaughan Rigby
525 - Charles Riker
526 - Michael Rinehart
527 - Pilar Primo de Rivera
528 - Arthur Balfour
529 - [Valinar] Roberts
530 - [Lawrence P Redmond Roche]
531 - Kevin Robb
532 - Jos[eph] F Rock SJ
533 - Nathan Paul Rodman
534 - A A Rodrigues
535 - From and to Fr H Roper [SJ]
536 - Tristan La Rosa y Ball-Llovera
537 - Joseph Rosg[land] SJ
538 - Phil Roskill
539 - W Ross SJ
540 - Anthony Rossiter
541 - Donald F Rowe SJ
542 - Royal Academy of Arts
543 - Royal Institue of Philosophy
544 - Bertrand Arthur William Russell
545 - Pat Ryan
546 - Fr James F Ryan
547 - Charles [Ryskamp]
548 - M E [Sadler]
549 - Sarah [Salmon]
550 - David [Sargent]
551 - Siegfried Sassoon
552 - J A Saunders
553 - Stephanie Saunders
554 - Roland Burke Savage SJ
555 - Camille and Christian Sawyer
556 - Dorothy L[eigh] Sayers
557 - Jack Scatchard
558 - Jane Schaeffer
559 - Mrs Frederic Schenk
560 - Frederick S[chenk]
562 - Genevieve Scott
563 - Roger Scruton
564 - [Patricia Scrymgeour-Wedderburn] Countess of Dundee
565 - Jim [Earl of Dundee]
566 - Janet Fox-Pitt
567 - Emma Shackle
568 - Paddy Shannon
569 - Rev Thomas [D] Shannon
570 - F X Shea SJ
571 - Stephen Shee
572 - Francis L Sheerin SJ
573 - Mary Willis Shelburne
574 - James J Sheridan SJ
575 - John Sheridan
576 - Reva Sherwood
577 - Maria and Nicky [Nicholas] Shrady
578 - George N Shuster
579 - E A Siciliano
580 - Aelred Sillem OSB
581 - Al Simms on behalf of the Committee of the Annual Communion Breakfast of the Motion Picture, Television, Radio, and Recording Industries, Los Angeles Area
582 - Andre Simon
583 - Walter N Sinkinson
584 - H[enry] A Sire SJ
585 - Sitwells
587 - M P Slattery
588 - Basilia Abel Smith
589 - F Smith
590 - [Janet Adeern] Smith
591 - Jean W Spafford to Reverend Mother
592 - John Sparrow
593 - Robert Speaight
594 - Fr Clement Spencer CP
595 - Elizabeth Spencer and John [Rusher]
596 - Sir Stanley Spencer
597 - Stephen Spender
598 - David St Clair-Erskine
599 - Seymour St John
600 - Norman St John-Stevas
601 - Gwen Lady St Levan
602 - Rev Arthur Stacey
603 - Walter Starkie
604 - Betty Stevens
605 - Dominic Stevens
606 - Adlai Ewing Stevenson II
607 - Stonyhurst College
608 - Arthur Strange
609 - Robert Strauss
610 - James H Stroman
611 - [Gene Sullivan]
612 - The Sunday Times
613 - Violet Susman
614 - Francis Sweeney SJ
615 - Maire and Jack Sweeney
616 - Christopher Hugh Sykes
617 - The Tablet
618 - Ron Tacelli SJ
619 - M[aurice] de la Taille SJ
620 - Yasaka Takagi
621 - Ella [Mary] Van Tassel
622 - Mary Taubman
623 - G L Taylor
624 - John H Taylor SJ
625 - J Tepper
626 - Thomas Acquinas College, California, USA
628 - Rev W G Hargrave Thomas
629 - J Heywood Thomas
630 - N Thompson
631 - Patrick Thompson
632 - Mary and Bob Thompson
633 - Scott Thompson
634 - Sylvia G Thomson to Reverend Mother
635 - Joseph [Thorning]
636 - Algar Thorold
637 - Renee [Tickell]
638 - Fr Clement Tigar SJ
639 - Paul W Titman
640 - J[ohn] R[onald] R[euel] Tolkien
641 - Paul Toller
642 - Reverend G A Tomlinson
643 - Philip [Tompkins]
644 - Arnold Joseph Toynbee
646 - Stephen Trappes-Lomax
647 - Marchessa Lina Trigona
648 - Kenneth G E Trimby & Joan Trimby
649 - E W Tristram
650 - Eric Turner
651 - Vincent [Turner] SJ
652 - Baroness Tweedsmuir
653 - Pauline Vanier
654 - William Varcoe
655 - F[rancis] N Vavasour SJ
656 - Roger Venables
657 - Evelyn, Viscountess de Vesci
658 - Victoria & Albert Museum
659 - [Martin] Villiers
660 - Palle Vinlen OSB
661 - Robert F Wagner [Junior]
662 - John Walker
663 - Barbara [Wall]
664 - Phyllis Wallbank
665 - Sir Hugh Seymour Walpole
667 - Michael J Walsh SJ
668 - Catherine Walston
669 - Freda M Ward
670 - Leo Ward
671 - Bill Warren
672 - Percy Warren
674 - Yvonne D Waterton
675 - Edward I Watkin
676 - Waugh family
677 - Abigail Jean Weatherby
678 - Professor Webster
679 - Lorraine Weinand
680 - Hubert and Irene Wellington
681 - Rebecca West
682 - Tom Gornell Whitmore
683 - Hugh Whitney
684 - Albert Wickens
685 - Martin Wight
686 - C Paul Wight to Wyndham Lewis c/o Father D'Arcy
687 - Robert Wilberforce
688 - Florence Wild-Norris
689 - Yvette [Wilhafna]
690 - Brenda Willhide
691 - Elsie Luke Williams
692 - Thomas Leighton Williams, Archbishop of Birmingham
693 - Anne Wilson
694 - Kitty [Battene], Katherine Talbot Wilson
695 - Sir Angus Frank Johnstone-Wilson
696 - Edmund Wilson
697 - Arthur Windsor
698 - Duchess of Windsor
699 - To and from [Fr Benjamin Winterborn SJ]
700 - Sylvia Wittmer
701 - Louis de Wohl
702 - Maud Wood
703 - Douglas [Woodruff]
704 - Mia [Woodruff]
705 - Mary J Woods
706 - Ann Jeanie D'Arcy Woodward
707 - To and from Helen Worrall
708 - R[ichard] Worsley SJ to Fr Cyril
709 - Dr John C Worswick
710 - Cardinal John Joseph Wright
712 - Carol B Young
713 - Doreen Young
714 - Petra Zilliacus
715 - Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein
716 - Letter to Mr Edwards
14 - List of letters to be preserved
Expand 7 - D'Arcy's Writing7 - D'Arcy's Writing
8 - Broadcasting
Expand 9 - Conferences and talks9 - Conferences and talks
10 - Events
11 - Visits to the United States Of America
12 - Japan visit
Expand 13 - Objets D'Arcy13 - Objets D'Arcy
Expand 14 - Photographs14 - Photographs
Expand 15 - Images of D'Arcy15 - Images of D'Arcy
16 - Newspaper cuttings
17 - Victorian Church Art
18 - Articles sent to D'Arcy
19 - British Passport
20 - National Registration Identity Card
21 - Book register
22 - Address books
23 - Pension
24 - Martin D'Arcy Gallery of Art
25 - Scrapbook
26 - In Memoriam
27 - Kennedy Memorial Grave
28 - Address card for Fr D'Arcy
29 - Drawing of René, Marquis D'Arcy
30 - Prayer & commemoration cards
31 - Card with D'Arcy's address and quotes
32 - Extract from a lady in India to the Rector of Stonyhurst
33 - Picture painted of Pope by F A A Paulie
34 - Thomas Acquinas College: a proposal for the fulfillment of Catholic Liberal Education
35 - American Academy of Arts and Sciences records 1968-1969
36 - Address lists
37 - Books on reserve list
38 - List of attendees and statements by Catholic laymen at Caux
39 - Boston College papers
40 - Course lectures and lecturers: Modern Man: The cultural tradition
41 - Twentieth Century Bibliography
Expand 23 - Fr Bernard Farrell SJ (1904-1977)23 - Fr Bernard Farrell SJ (1904-1977)
Expand 24 - Fr Bernard Swindells SJ (1887-1977)24 - Fr Bernard Swindells SJ (1887-1977)
Expand 25 - Fr Henry Dalton SJ (1903-1977)25 - Fr Henry Dalton SJ (1903-1977)
Expand 27 - Fr James Brennan SJ (1906-1977)27 - Fr James Brennan SJ (1906-1977)
Expand 28 - Fr Kevin Booth SJ (1906-1977)28 - Fr Kevin Booth SJ (1906-1977)
Expand 29 - Br Thomas Moore SJ (1901-1977)29 - Br Thomas Moore SJ (1901-1977)
Expand 30 - Fr William Cuthbert Donnelly SJ (1901-1977)30 - Fr William Cuthbert Donnelly SJ (1901-1977)
Expand 31 - Fr Edmund Lester SJ (1866-1934)31 - Fr Edmund Lester SJ (1866-1934)
Expand 32 - Fr Augustus Law SJ (1833-1880)32 - Fr Augustus Law SJ (1833-1880)
Expand 33 - Fr Matthew Ingram SJ (1881-1941)33 - Fr Matthew Ingram SJ (1881-1941)
Expand 34 - Fr Bernard Vaughan SJ (1847-1922)34 - Fr Bernard Vaughan SJ (1847-1922)
Expand 36 - Fr Richard Garrold SJ (1874-1920)36 - Fr Richard Garrold SJ (1874-1920)
Expand 37 - Fr Charles Raymond-Barker SJ (1859-1955)37 - Fr Charles Raymond-Barker SJ (1859-1955)
Expand 38 - Fr Henry Mather SJ (1887-1963) 38 - Fr Henry Mather SJ (1887-1963)
Expand 39 - Fr Wilfrid Banham SJ (1893-1963) 39 - Fr Wilfrid Banham SJ (1893-1963)
Expand 40 - Fr William Keary SJ (1881-1958)40 - Fr William Keary SJ (1881-1958)
Expand 42 - Fr Gerard Wilson-Browne SJ (1911-1975)42 - Fr Gerard Wilson-Browne SJ (1911-1975)
Expand 47 - Fr Francis Devas SJ (1877-1951)47 - Fr Francis Devas SJ (1877-1951)
Expand 48 - Bishop James Etheridge SJ (1808-1877)48 - Bishop James Etheridge SJ (1808-1877)
Expand 50 - Fr Michael Hannan SJ (1909-1977)50 - Fr Michael Hannan SJ (1909-1977)
Expand 51 - Fr Leslie Walker SJ (1877-1958)51 - Fr Leslie Walker SJ (1877-1958)
Expand 52 - Fr Peter Prestage SJ (1842-1907)52 - Fr Peter Prestage SJ (1842-1907)
Expand 53 - Fr Thomas Corbishley SJ (1903-1976) 53 - Fr Thomas Corbishley SJ (1903-1976)
Expand 54 - Bl John Sullivan SJ (Irish Province) (1861-1933)54 - Bl John Sullivan SJ (Irish Province) (1861-1933)
Expand 55 - Fr John Murray SJ (1897-1971)55 - Fr John Murray SJ (1897-1971)
Expand 56 - Fr Peter Knott SJ (1926-2017)56 - Fr Peter Knott SJ (1926-2017)
Expand 57 - Fr Alfred Thomas SJ (1925-1985)57 - Fr Alfred Thomas SJ (1925-1985)
Expand 62 - Br Francis McIntee SJ (1882-1978)62 - Br Francis McIntee SJ (1882-1978)
Expand 63 - Fr Francis Roberts SJ (1910-1978)63 - Fr Francis Roberts SJ (1910-1978)
Expand 64 - Fr Joseph Tomlinson SJ (1894-1978)64 - Fr Joseph Tomlinson SJ (1894-1978)
Expand 65 - Fr Patrick Treanor SJ (1920-1978)65 - Fr Patrick Treanor SJ (1920-1978)
Expand 68 - Fr Henry Widlake SJ (1910-1978)68 - Fr Henry Widlake SJ (1910-1978)
Expand 69 - Fr Edward Callaghan SJ (1921-1978)69 - Fr Edward Callaghan SJ (1921-1978)
Expand 71 - Fr Reginald Carrington SJ (1901-1978)71 - Fr Reginald Carrington SJ (1901-1978)
Expand 73 - Fr Edmund Conyers D'Arcy SJ (1885-1967)73 - Fr Edmund Conyers D'Arcy SJ (1885-1967)
Expand 76 - Fr John Costigan SJ (1916-1978)76 - Fr John Costigan SJ (1916-1978)
Expand 77 - Fr Desmond Donovan SJ (1927-1978)77 - Fr Desmond Donovan SJ (1927-1978)
Expand 79 - Fr Niall Corbett SJ (1901-1972)79 - Fr Niall Corbett SJ (1901-1972)
Expand 80 - Fr Cyril Martindale SJ (1879-1963)80 - Fr Cyril Martindale SJ (1879-1963)
Expand 83 - Fr Herbert Preston SJ (1897-1969)83 - Fr Herbert Preston SJ (1897-1969)
Expand 84 - Fr Francis Preston SJ (1903-1979)84 - Fr Francis Preston SJ (1903-1979)
Expand 86 - Archbishop Aston Chichester SJ (1879-1962)86 - Archbishop Aston Chichester SJ (1879-1962)
Expand 87 - Fr Thomas Lakeland SJ (1900-1979)87 - Fr Thomas Lakeland SJ (1900-1979)
Expand 88 - Fr Joseph Keating SJ (1865-1939)88 - Fr Joseph Keating SJ (1865-1939)
Expand 89 - Fr Luke Bellanti SJ (1882-1955) 89 - Fr Luke Bellanti SJ (1882-1955)
Expand 90 - Fr Leo Batley SJ (1891-1963) 90 - Fr Leo Batley SJ (1891-1963)
Expand 91 - Fr George Barrett SJ (1879-1962) 91 - Fr George Barrett SJ (1879-1962)
Expand 92 - Fr John Gerard SJ (1840-1912)92 - Fr John Gerard SJ (1840-1912)
Expand 93 - Fr Hubert McEvoy (1899-1973)93 - Fr Hubert McEvoy (1899-1973)
Expand 96 - Fr Robert Mills SJ (1900-1979)96 - Fr Robert Mills SJ (1900-1979)
Expand 97 - Fr Eustace Dudley SJ (1883-1956)97 - Fr Eustace Dudley SJ (1883-1956)
Expand 98 - Fr Charles Annacker SJ (1868-1920)98 - Fr Charles Annacker SJ (1868-1920)
Expand 102 - Fr Charles Bert SJ (1869-1952) 102 - Fr Charles Bert SJ (1869-1952)
Expand 103 - Robert Baxendale SJ (1943-1968) 103 - Robert Baxendale SJ (1943-1968)
Expand 105 - Fr Dermod Whyte SJ (1907-1975) 105 - Fr Dermod Whyte SJ (1907-1975)
Expand 106 - Fr Richard Worsley SJ (1889-1972)106 - Fr Richard Worsley SJ (1889-1972)
Expand 107 - Fr John Ryder SJ (1900-1979) 107 - Fr John Ryder SJ (1900-1979)
Expand 108 - Fr William McEntegart SJ (1891-1979) 108 - Fr William McEntegart SJ (1891-1979)
Expand 110 - Fr Lawrence Murphy SJ (1888-1979) 110 - Fr Lawrence Murphy SJ (1888-1979)
Expand 111 - Br Guy Ames SJ (1903-1979) (Jamshedpur Province) 111 - Br Guy Ames SJ (1903-1979) (Jamshedpur Province)
Expand 113 - Fr Bernard Darke SJ (1925-1979) 113 - Fr Bernard Darke SJ (1925-1979)
Expand 114 - Br James McCann SJ (1907-1979) 114 - Br James McCann SJ (1907-1979)
Expand 115 - Fr Francis Keating SJ (1899-1972) 115 - Fr Francis Keating SJ (1899-1972)
Expand 119 - Fr James Nicholson SJ (1855-1934)119 - Fr James Nicholson SJ (1855-1934)
Expand 122 - Fr John McCluskey SJ (1870-1921)122 - Fr John McCluskey SJ (1870-1921)
Expand 128 - Br Hugh McElrone SJ (1905-1980)128 - Br Hugh McElrone SJ (1905-1980)
Expand 129 - Fr John Lynch SJ (1903-1980)129 - Fr John Lynch SJ (1903-1980)
Expand 130 - Fr John Lynch SJ (1848-1926)130 - Fr John Lynch SJ (1848-1926)
Expand 137 - Fr Charles Sidney de Vere Beauclerk SJ (1855-1934)137 - Fr Charles Sidney de Vere Beauclerk SJ (1855-1934)
Expand 142 - Fr Francis Woodlock SJ (1871-1940)142 - Fr Francis Woodlock SJ (1871-1940)
Expand 148 - Fr Peter Blake SJ (1903-1981)148 - Fr Peter Blake SJ (1903-1981)
Expand 151 - Fr Bernard Weatherhead SJ (1901-1982)151 - Fr Bernard Weatherhead SJ (1901-1982)
Expand 153 - Fr Richard Birch SJ (1920-1981) 153 - Fr Richard Birch SJ (1920-1981)
Expand 154 - Fr Arnold Warneken SJ (1903-1981) 154 - Fr Arnold Warneken SJ (1903-1981)
155 - Fr Thomas Greenwood SJ (1908-1980)
Expand 156 - Fr John Joyce SJ (1909-1981) 156 - Fr John Joyce SJ (1909-1981)
Expand 157 - Fr Hugh Peter Lyons SJ (1912-1981)157 - Fr Hugh Peter Lyons SJ (1912-1981)
Expand 158 - Fr Noel Stephenson SJ (1905-1981) 158 - Fr Noel Stephenson SJ (1905-1981)
Expand 159 - Fr George Carry SJ (1919-1981) (Zimbabwe Province)159 - Fr George Carry SJ (1919-1981) (Zimbabwe Province)
Expand 160 - Fr Francis Vavasour SJ (1900-1981)160 - Fr Francis Vavasour SJ (1900-1981)
Expand 161 - Fr John Desmond Boyle SJ (1897-1982)161 - Fr John Desmond Boyle SJ (1897-1982)
Expand 162 - Fr William Butler SJ (1911-1982)162 - Fr William Butler SJ (1911-1982)
Expand 163 - Br Richard Pope SJ (1896-1982)163 - Br Richard Pope SJ (1896-1982)
Expand 164 - Fr Bernard Gardner SJ (1930-1982)164 - Fr Bernard Gardner SJ (1930-1982)
Expand 165 - Fr Alexander Gits SJ (1887-1982) 165 - Fr Alexander Gits SJ (1887-1982)
Expand 166 - Fr Vincent Norbury SJ (1916-1982)166 - Fr Vincent Norbury SJ (1916-1982)
Expand 168 - Fr Joseph Sumner SJ (1903-1980)168 - Fr Joseph Sumner SJ (1903-1980)
Expand 170 - Fr William Francis Rea SJ (1908-1980) 170 - Fr William Francis Rea SJ (1908-1980)
Expand 171 - Fr Francis Courtney SJ (1905-1982)171 - Fr Francis Courtney SJ (1905-1982)
Expand 172 - Fr Henry Waterhouse SJ (1903-1980)172 - Fr Henry Waterhouse SJ (1903-1980)
Expand 174 - Fr Patrick Cooper SJ (1931-1980) 174 - Fr Patrick Cooper SJ (1931-1980)
Expand 175 - Fr Basil Fitzgibbon SJ (1896-1980)175 - Fr Basil Fitzgibbon SJ (1896-1980)
Expand 179 - Fr Leonard Boase SJ (1902-1983)179 - Fr Leonard Boase SJ (1902-1983)
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Expand 171 - Fr Francis Courtney SJ (1905-1982)171 - Fr Francis Courtney SJ (1905-1982)
Expand 172 - Fr Henry Waterhouse SJ (1903-1980)172 - Fr Henry Waterhouse SJ (1903-1980)
Expand 174 - Fr Patrick Cooper SJ (1931-1980) 174 - Fr Patrick Cooper SJ (1931-1980)
Expand 175 - Fr Basil Fitzgibbon SJ (1896-1980)175 - Fr Basil Fitzgibbon SJ (1896-1980)
Expand 179 - Fr Leonard Boase SJ (1902-1983)179 - Fr Leonard Boase SJ (1902-1983)
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