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SCAHA - Scottish Catholic Historical Archives
B - Bishops
BC - Blairs Charters
1 - Ogilvie Papers
1 - Testament of James Ogilvie of Findlater [copy]
2 - Abstract of the Testament of James Ogilvie of Findlater
3 - Notarial instrument recording sasine granted to James Ogilvy of Birnes of 22 bovates of lands of Wester Knock and others in sheriffdom of Banff, in virtue of sasine by Edward, Lord Bruce of Kinloss
4 - Charter by James Ogilvie of Birnes [wife Elizabeth Abernethie] in favour of George Harper in Knock and William Harper, his son, of the lands of Knock, in the sheriffdom of Banff
5 - Feu ferme charter of Robert Ogilvie, burgess of Banff to George Ogilvie of Carnousie for 22 oxgates of Knock
6 - Contract of lands between Walter, Lord Deskford and James, Master of Deskford, when with the burden of great debts […] to the Master of the estate, and reserving Kempcairn etc to Alexander, his son
7 - Retour: George Ogilvie of Carnousie of the lands of Haltoun
8 - Charter of Alienation: George Ogilvie of Carnousie in favour of James Kennedy of a croft of land in the Newlands of the burgh of Banff
9 - Obligation: John Ogilvie of Birnie to Sir George Ogilvie of Carnousie, 4800 merks
10 - Discharge: Sir George Ogilvie of Banff to Lord John Ogilvie of Birnie of all and sundry his multures etc of his land of Tibbechie
11 - Precept of Clare Constat of the lands of Knock in favour of Robert Ogilvie of Carnousie
12 - Grant of goods, gear etc by Charles I to Walter Ogilvie of Reidhythe
13 - Disposition of church property with the lands of Cullen, Ordinghill and Deskford granted by the Earl of Findlater, patron and Patrick Ogilvie to Mr James Hay
14 - Double charter of Littlefield and Auchindaren by James, Sheriff of Frendreugh to Beatris Innes and George Watson [copy]
15 - Judiciate Rental of Patrick, Earl of Findlater and Thomas Ogilvie
16 - Assidation of Mistress Mary Ogilvie of Ahlainbart to William Innes, servant to the Laird of Ahlainbart for 4 bolls of ferm pay
17 - Renunciation and resignation by Alexander Wilson of Littlefield to Sir George Ogilvie of Carnousie
18 - Letter of tack by Sir Patrick Ogilvie on the kirk of Fordyce and pendicles
19 - Double disposition of Lord Banff to Master Banff concerning tenements lying in Banff
20 - Lord Banff's Submission
21 - Genealogical Search by Rose of Montcoffer
22 - Excerpts from the Banff Register of Baptisms, 1688 - 1787, compiled 20 March 1822
23 - Extracts from Church Registers and related correspondence
24 - Pedigrees
25 - Miscellaneous
1 - Copy of Charter by Alexander Lindsay, Earl of Crawford to Patrick Ogilvy, Laird of Grandown of the Earl's 4th part of Inchdrewer, Lochlaggan, Culapty and Culburny with pertinents, dated at Dundee 26 December 1421. [Copy made 2 Dec 1840]
2 - Notes of information for Sir William Ogilvie
3 - Notes of information required to assist in establishing the claim of Sir William Ogilvie
2 - Hay of Rannes Papers
3 - Elphinstone Papers
4 - Lands of Coutfauld (Coltfield): Falconer and Brodie Papers
5 - Lands of Gask: Fordyce, Innes of Breda, Robinson Papers
6 - Tulloch of Tannachie Papers
7 - Abernethy, Lords of Saltoun Papers
8 - Dunbar Papers
9 - Lands of Struthers and Hempriggs
10 - Innes Papers
11 - Gordon Papers
12 - Urquhart Papers
13 - Calder Papers
14 - Sinclair, Earls of Caithness Papers
15 - Forbes of Pitsligo Papers
16 - Gaderer Papers
17 - Lands of Glassauch Papers
18 - Hill: East Grange Papers
19 - Ord of Findochty Papers
20 - Stewart, Lord Ochiltree Papers
21 - Sutherland/Duff and the Lands of Braco Papers
22 - Inverness and the north Papers
23 - Church documents and Papers
24 - North East County Papers
25 - North East Burgh Papers
26 - Miscellaneous Papers
27 - Rose of Montcoffer Papers
BL - Blairs Letters
CA - Colleges Abroad
CB - Blairs College
CC - Canon Clapperton
CS - Colleges in Scotland
FL - Families and Lands
IM - Individual Mission Stations
JB - Archbishop James Beaton’s Papers
JO - St John Ogilvie
KJ - King James VII and II Memoirs
LS - Lectures and Sermons
MM - Miscellaneous Manuscripts
OL - Oban Letters: Highland - Western District Vicariate
P - Persons
PL - Preshome Letters: Northern District Vicariate
SK - Schottenkloester (Scots Benedictine Abbeys in Germany)
SM - Scottish Mission
TM - Thomson - McPherson: History of the Scottish Mission
Album amicorum of George Strachan
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