Hierarchy Browser

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Expand B - BishopsB - Bishops
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Collapse BL - Blairs LettersBL - Blairs Letters
Expand 1 - Correspondence mainly to Scots Colleges, Paris and Rome1 - Correspondence mainly to Scots Colleges, Paris and Rome
Expand 2 - Correspondence: general mission2 - Correspondence: general mission
Expand 3 - Correspondence: general mission3 - Correspondence: general mission
Collapse 4 - Correspondence: general mission4 - Correspondence: general mission
1 - Albani, Cardinal - Bruce
2 - Cameron - Coghlan
3 - Connely - Drummond
4 - Dupan - Geddes, Alex
5 - Geddes, John
6 - George - Gordon, Arthur
7 - Gordon, E - Guthrie
8 - Hay, George
9 - Hay, George
10 - Hay, M - Livingston
11 - MacDonald, Bishop Alex - MacDonald, Alex
12 - MacDonald, Austin - MacDonald, Ranald
13 - MacDonell - MacKenzie
14 - MacPherson - Mathison
15 - Maxwell - Ogilvie
16 - Oliver - Reid, Alex
17 - Reid, John - Sinnott
18 - Thomson - Young, Mrs
19 - Albani, Cardinal - Burnett
20 - Cameron - Cummyng
21 - Davidson - Erskine
22 - Farquharson
23 - Fryer - Geddes, Alex
24 - Geddes, John
25 - Geddes, John
26 - George - Gordon, James
27 - Gordon, John - Guthrie
28 - Hay, George
29 - Hay, George
30 - Hutton - Irvine
31 - Jenison - MacDonald, Bishop Alex
32 - MacDonald, Alex - MacDonald, R
33 - MacDonell - MacNab
34 - MacPherson
35 - Maniquez - Miller
36 - Nisibis - Pepper
37 - Rankin - Strachan
38 - Thomson
39 - Torrie - Young
40 - Antonelli, Cardinal - Douglas
41 - Drummond - Farquharson
42 - Fitzgerald - Geddes, Alex
43 - Geddes, John
44 - Geddes, John
45 - Gibson - Hay, Andrew
46 - Hay, George
47 - Hay, George
48 - Hay, George
49 - Hay, M - MacDonald, Bishop Alex
50 - MacDonald, Alex - MacDonald, Francis
51 - MacDonald, James - MacNab
52 - MacPherson - Maxwell
53 - Menzies - Pepper
54 - Portuguese students
55 - Rance - Tidyman
56 - Thomson - Young
57 - Albani, Cardinal - Chisholm
58 - Farquharson
59 - Geddes, John
60 - Geddes, John
61 - Gordon - Griffin
62 - Hay, Bishop George
63 - Hay, Bishop George
64 - Innes, A - MacDonald Snr, Alex
65 - MacDonald, James - Montigny, De
66 - Nisibis - Stuart
67 - Thomson - Zelada, Cardinal de
68 - Albani, Cardinal - Carruthers, James
69 - Chisholm, Bishop John
70 - Cleghorn - Geddes, Alex
71 - Geddes, John
72 - Geddes, John
73 - Gleig - Hay, Bishop George
74 - Hay, Bishop George
75 - Hay, Bishop George
76 - Ingram - MacLachlan
77 - MacPherson
78 - MacRa - Oliver
79 - Paterson - Zelada
80 - Albani, Cardinal - Chalmers
81 - Chisholm - Cicciaporci
82 - Dundas - Fletcher
83 - Geddes - Gordon, Arthur
84 - Gordon, John - Griffin
85 - Hay, Bishop George
86 - Hay, Bishop George
87 - Hay, Bishop George
88 - Hippisley - MacDonald
89 - McDonell
90 - MacEchin - Mathison
91 - Maxwell - Salasar
92 - Sharp - traquair, Earl of
93 - Antonelli, Cardinal - Chisholm
94 - Craig - Fife
95 - Fletcher - Goodal
96 - Gordon - Griffin
97 - Hay, Bishop George
98 - Hay, Bishop George
99 - Hippisley
100 - Ingram - MacDonald
101 - MacDonell
102 - MacPherson, Paul
103 - Mathison - Wilson
104 - Bute, Marquis of - Chisholm
105 - Coghlan - Gerdil
106 - Gordon - Grant
107 - Hay, Bishop George
108 - Hay, Bishop George
109 - Ingram - MacDonald
110 - MacPherson
111 - Mathison - scroll
112 - Albani, Cardinal - Cattanach
113 - Chisholm - Farquharson
114 - Geddes - Grant
115 - Hay, Bishop George
116 - Hay, Bishop George
117 - Hippisley - MacDonald
118 - MacPherson, P - Menzies
119 - Mercer - Treverne, Abbe & James Robertson
120 - Albani, Cardinal - Chisholm
121 - Corri - Gordon, Charles
122 - Gordon, James - Harris
123 - Hay, Bishop George
124 - Hippisley - MacLachlan
125 - MacPherson, P
126 - MacRae - Menzies
127 - Moir - Robinson
128 - Sharp - Thomson
129 - Adams - Chichester
130 - Chisholm - Dason
131 - Dundas - Erskine
132 - Farquharson - Geddes
133 - Glendonwyn - Gordon, Charles
134 - Gordon, Clementina - Graves
135 - Hay, Bishop George
136 - Hay, Bishop George
137 - Hay, Bishop George
138 - Hippisley
139 - Hussey - MacDonald
140 - MacLachlan - MacNeil
141 - MacPherson - Mathison
142 - Maxwell - Paterson
143 - Pepper - Sloane
144 - Smelt -[unknown]
145 - Adams - Brown-Moysten
146 - Carruthers - Erskine
147 - Farquharson - Glendonwyn
148 - Gordon - Grant
149 - Hay, Bishop George
150 - Hay, Bishop George
151 - Hay, Bishop George
152 - Hippisley - MacDonald
153 - MacLachlan - Mathison
154 - Maxwell - Morrison
155 - Pepper - Robertson
156 - Salmon - Smelt
157 - Smith - Hierarchy of England, Scotland and Ireland
158 - Anderson - Brecon
159 - Cameron - Chisholm
160 - Cleghorn - Farquharson
161 - Finthorn - Gordon, John
162 - Gordon, Lady Mary - Guthrie
163 - Hay, Bishop George
164 - Hay, Bishop George - joint letters
165 - Hippisley - Innes, Alex
166 - Innes, Ann - MacIntyre
167 - MacLachlan - MacPherson
168 - Mathison - Maxwell
169 - Menzies - Rattray
170 - Reid, John - Scott
171 - Selby - Watt
172 - Anderson - Bayle
173 - Bigot - Cameron
174 - Carpue - Chichester
175 - Chisholm
176 - Clanricarde - Daniel
177 - Douglas - Farquharson, John
178 - Farquharson, John
179 - Finthorn - Gibson
180 - Glendonwyn
181 - Gordon, Alex - Gordon, Helen
182 - Gordon, John - Hawkins
183 - Hay, Bishop George
184 - Hay, Bishop George
185 - Hay, Bishop George - joint letters
186 - Hippisley - Logan
187 - LePointe - MacDonald
188 - MacEachen - MacIntosh
189 - MacIntyre - Maxwell, A
190 - Maxwell, Charles
191 - Maxwell, Charles
192 - Maxwell, George - Paterson
193 - Pepper - Price
194 - Rattray, William
195 - Reid
196 - Reyer - Stone
197 - Strachan - Anon
198 - Alexander - Brydson
199 - Cameron, Bishop Alex
200 - Cameron, Alex (Valladolid) - Chisholm
201 - Clavering - Everard
202 - Farquharson - Glendonwyn
203 - Goldie - Gordon, Eliza
204 - Gordon, George - Gordon, Mary
205 - Grant - Hardy
206 - Hay, Bishop George
207 - Hay, Bishop George
208 - Hippisley - Kirk
209 - Kyle - macDonell
210 - MacGillivray - Martin
211 - Maxwell - Mazzoni
212 - Melville - Pacoris
213 - Pepper - Reid, Sally
214 - Reid, William - Robertson
215 - Sharp - Traquair
216 - Troy - Anon
217 - Arbuthnot - Callender
218 - Cameron, Bishop Alex
219 - Cameron, Bishop Alex
220 - Cameron, Alex (Valladolid) - Chisholm
221 - Crawford - Farquharson, James
222 - Farquharson, John
223 - Farquharson, John
224 - Fenwick - Gordon, Alex
225 - Gordon, Charles - Gordon, James
226 - Gordon, John - Hawkins
227 - Hay, Bishop George
228 - Holden - Lopez
229 - MacArthur - MacDonald, John
230 - MacDonald, William - MacEachen
231 - MacGillivray - MacRobbie
232 - Mahon - Martin
233 - Maxwell, Charles
234 - Maxwell, James - Reid, John
235 - Reid, William
236 - Reynal - Spencer
237 - Stewart - Anon
238 - Anderson, John - Bagnall
239 - Barclay - Cameron, Bishop Alex
240 - Cameron, John - Carruthers
241 - Chisholm - Dunn
242 - Farquharson, Jane - Farquharson, John
243 - Farquharson, John
244 - Fennel - Gordon, Charles
245 - Gordon, Eliza - Gordon, Sally
246 - Gruer - Hay, Bishop George
247 - Hippisley - Lopez
248 - MacDonagh - MacDonald
249 - MacDonell - MacLeod
250 - MacPherson - Mathison
251 - Maxwell, Charles
252 - Maxwell, Clementina - Mellis
253 - Menzies - Pearey
254 - Pepper - Reid, John
255 - Reid, William
256 - Rey - Silvertop
257 - Scott, Andrew
258 - Sharp - Stuart
259 - Townsend - Anon
260 - Adams - Bagnall
261 - Barclay - Cameron, Alex
262 - Cameron, James - Catanach
263 - Chisholm - Davidson
264 - Dick - Farquharson, James
265 - Farquharson, John
266 - Fitzpatrick - Gordon, A
267 - Gordon, Charles - Gordon, James
268 - Gordon, John (junior)
269 - Gordon, John (senior) - Gordon, Mary
270 - Gray - Hay, Bishop George
271 - Hippisley - MacDonald, A
272 - MacDonald, James - MacDonald, William
273 - MacDonell - MacLeod
274 - MacPherson - Milner
275 - Moir - Rattray
276 - Reid, William
277 - Rey - Robertson
278 - Scott
279 - Sharp - Spence
280 - Spalding - Anon
281 - Archdeacon, Eleonora - Cameron, Bishop Alex
282 - Cameron, H - Cayley
283 - Chisholm - Douglas
284 - Farquharson
285 - Fergus - Gordon, Charles
286 - Gordon, E - Gordon, J
287 - Glendonwyn - Livingstone
288 - MacDonald - MacDonell
289 - MacGillis - Maxwell
290 - Menzies - Poynter
291 - Rattray - Saville
292 - Scott
293 - Scott - Wood
294 - Anastasia - Bew
295 - Cameron, Bishop Alex
296 - Cameron, Bishop Alex
297 - Cameron, Alex (Valladolid) - Chavering
298 - Chisholm - Darling
299 - Davidson - Dick, Catherine Gordon
300 - Dick, John - Farquharson, Jane
301 - Farquharson, John - Goldie
302 - Gordon, A
303 - Gordon, Charles - Gordon, James
304 - Gordon, John
305 - Grant - Hay, John
306 - Hippisley - Irving
307 - Keys - MacDonald, James
308 - MacDonald, John - MacEachen
309 - MacGillis - Mathew
310 - Mathison - Menzies
311 - Murray - Rankin
312 - Rattray
313 - Reid - Robertson
314 - Rose - Sanverien
315 - Scott, Andrew
316 - Scott, Andrew
317 - Scott, F - Sy
318 - Thomson - Anon
319 - Adam - Burnett
320 - Cameron
321 - Campbell - Catanach
322 - Chisholm - Davidson
323 - DeLatil - Farquharson, John
324 - Farquharson, M - Goldie
325 - Gordon, Alex - Gordon, James
326 - Gordon, John - Hamilton
327 - Hay, Bishop George - Innes
328 - Johnston - MacDonald, A
329 - MacDonald, J - MacDonald, W
330 - MacDonell - MacGillis
331 - MacGillivray - MacKenzie
332 - MacLachlan - Mathison
333 - Maxwell - Menzies
334 - Panton - Rattray
335 - Reid - Roversi
336 - Scott, Andrew
337 - Scott, Andrew
338 - Scott, I - Sharp, James
339 - Strathie - Wharton
340 - Arbuthnot - Cain
341 - Cameron - Carron
342 - Carruthers - Chisholm
343 - Clifford - Douglas
344 - Elcho - Gordon, A
345 - Gordon, Charles (Aberdeen)
346 - Gordon, George - Kyle
347 - Laurence - MacDonald, George
348 - MacDonald, James - MacDonald, William
349 - MacDonell - MacLachlan
350 - MacPherson - Ortiz
351 - Paterson - Reid, J
352 - Reid, William - Sancho
353 - Scott, A
354 - Sharp - Stone
355 - Stuart - Trottier
356 - Wallace - Young
357 - Adam - Badenoch
358 - Bagnall - Buchan
359 - Cameron, Bishop Alex
360 - Cameron, Alex (Valladolid) - Caven
361 - Chisholm - Cook
362 - Coyney - Donegan
363 - Farquharson - Fletcher
364 - Fraser - Glendonwyn
365 - Goldie - Gordon, A
366 - Gordon, Charles
367 - Gordon, George - Hardy
368 - Hay, Bishop George - Jones
369 - Kellie - MacDonald, E
370 - MacDonald, James
371 - MacDonald, John - MacIntosh
372 - MacKean - MacManus
373 - MacPherson - Mathison
374 - Maxwell - Murray
375 - Nicolas - Ramsays
376 - Rattray - Reid
377 - Riddoch - Schaw
378 - Scott, Andrew
379 - Scott, I - Sharp, James
380 - Sharp, James - Sharp, John
381 - Shaw - Stewart
382 - Swinburne - Trottier
383 - Wallace - Anon
384 - Allan - Brydson
385 - Cameron, Bishop Alex
386 - Carmichael - Corri
387 - Cruickshank - Fraser
388 - Gleig - Gordon, A
389 - Gordon, Charles
390 - Gordon, James - Grant
391 - Griffiths - Leslie
392 - MacDonald - MacNaught
393 - MacPherson
394 - MacRobbie - Menzies
395 - Meredith - Quinn
396 - Rattray
397 - Reid - Russell
398 - Scott
399 - Selkirk - Smyth
400 - Stewart - Traquair
401 - Wallace - Anon
402 - Adam - Burgess
403 - Cameron, Bishop Alex
404 - Cameron, Bishop Alex
405 - Cameron, Alex (Valladolid) - Carmichael
406 - Carruthers - Cruickshank
407 - Davidson - Fontain
408 - Forbes - Gordon, A
409 - Gordon, Charles
410 - Gordon, Duke of - Gordon, Lewis
411 - Gossier - Keating
412 - Kelly - MacDonald
413 - MacEachen - Maxwell
414 - Menzies
415 - Minto - Poynter
416 - Rattray - Reid
417 - Scott, Andrew
418 - Sharp
419 - Shaw - Taylor
420 - Thomson - Titles
421 - Adams - Beaufort
422 - Bisset - Brown
423 - Cameron, Bishop Alex
424 - Cameron, Bishop Alex
425 - Cameron, Alex (Valladolid) - Carmichael
426 - Carruthers - Chisholm
427 - Cleghorn - Dick
428 - Donnellan - Farquharson, E
429 - Farquharson, J - Farquharson, M
430 - Fingall - Gibson
431 - Gillespie - Gordon, A
432 - Gordon, Charles
433 - Gordon, Hugh - Hardy
434 - Hearne - Leil
435 - Levesque - MacDonald
436 - MacDonell - MacLean
437 - MacPherson - Mazzoni
438 - Menzies - Paterson
439 - Poynter - Rattray
440 - Reid
441 - Robertson - Scott, A
442 - Scott, A
443 - Sharp
444 - Sherbourne - Stuart, C
445 - Stuart, Donald - Anon
446 - Addison - Bourrie
447 - Bramston - Caird
448 - Cameron, Bishop Alex
449 - Cameron, Bishop Alex
450 - Cameron, Alex (Valladolid) - Carmichael
451 - Carruthers - Chisholm
452 - Condell - Faloon
453 - Farquharson
454 - Ferris - Forbes
455 - Fordyce - Gordon, A
456 - Gordon, Charles
457 - Gordon, E - Gordon, John (senior)
458 - Gordon, John (junior)
459 - Gordon, John (junior)
460 - Gordon, Mary - Jerningham
461 - Keating - MacLachlan, James
462 - MacLachlan, P - MacPherson, Patrick
463 - MacPherson, Paul - Mazzoni, J
464 - Mazzoni, Rose - Menzies
465 - Mitchell - Poynter
466 - Rattray - Robertson
467 - Scott, Andrew
468 - Scott, I - Sharp
469 - Sherburne - Traquair
470 - Wallace - Copy
Expand 5 - Correspondence: general mission5 - Correspondence: general mission
Expand 6 - Correspondence: end section of letters to Northern District priests and Bishop Kyle6 - Correspondence: end section of letters to Northern District priests and Bishop Kyle
Expand 7 - Correspondence to Paul MacLachlan and to Blairs7 - Correspondence to Paul MacLachlan and to Blairs
Expand 8 - Correspondence to Paul MacLachlan and to Blairs8 - Correspondence to Paul MacLachlan and to Blairs
Expand 9 - Kyle Letters and Kyle’s Jubilee9 - Kyle Letters and Kyle’s Jubilee
Expand 10 - Undated correspondence; Bishop Camerons Letter10 - Undated correspondence; Bishop Camerons Letter
Expand CA - Colleges AbroadCA - Colleges Abroad
Expand CB - Blairs CollegeCB - Blairs College
Expand CC - Canon ClappertonCC - Canon Clapperton
Expand CS - Colleges in ScotlandCS - Colleges in Scotland
Expand FL - Families and LandsFL - Families and Lands
Expand IM - Individual Mission StationsIM - Individual Mission Stations
Expand JB - Archbishop James Beaton’s PapersJB - Archbishop James Beaton’s Papers
Expand JO - St John OgilvieJO - St John Ogilvie
Expand KJ - King James VII and II MemoirsKJ - King James VII and II Memoirs
Expand LS - Lectures and SermonsLS - Lectures and Sermons
Expand MM - Miscellaneous ManuscriptsMM - Miscellaneous Manuscripts
Expand OL - Oban Letters: Highland - Western District VicariateOL - Oban Letters: Highland - Western District Vicariate
Expand P - PersonsP - Persons
Expand PL - Preshome Letters: Northern District VicariatePL - Preshome Letters: Northern District Vicariate
Expand SK - Schottenkloester (Scots Benedictine Abbeys in Germany)SK - Schottenkloester (Scots Benedictine Abbeys in Germany)
Expand SM - Scottish MissionSM - Scottish Mission
Expand TM - Thomson - McPherson: History of the Scottish MissionTM - Thomson - McPherson: History of the Scottish Mission

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